MADMIN - Admin Theme

Download Bootstrap Admin Templates

MADMIN - Metro inspired Admin

What is the true essence of an admin UI about? It surely isn't about the theme chrome and fancy FX... Well, you know, it's about YOUR DATA and YOUR CONTROLS that have to stand out and be easily accessible, surrounded by an aesthetically pleasing an soothing interface.

That's why we created the MADMIN admin theme - a Bootstrap based lightweight admin theme inspired by the Metro design philosophy of flatness, typographic sense and simplicity.


specially crafted sidebar menu — fixed-responsive, collapsible for small netbook screens and easily customizable
LESS based CSS with color-themes support — just change a couple variables and have a new color theme in minutes
in-context help system — using PageSlide, a handy panel with help information can be slided in at any time
panel type pagess — no page-load delays for your admin UI, and if you want to, you can have an admin UI in one page, or maybe load content via AJAX to the panel pages
easy plotting with Flot — use Flot, the most easy to use Javascript library for making plots and charts that even allows you to create real-time graphs
sortable tables — the Tablesorter plugin is included, together with special styling to make it blend-in