Download Bootstrap Admin Templates
NG-Admin is a Responsive Admin Template with AngularJS .
It’s built on the Bootstrap 3.2 Framework and is fully responsive. You can use NG-Admin for many types of web applications like custom admin panel, admin dashboard, application backend etc.
Enjoy using ng-Admin and stay tuned information. New features will be coming soon in future.
Built on Bootstrap 3
Apply AngularJS framework
HTML5 + CSS3 + LESS Support
200+ UI Components
5+ Color themes
Free Support & Documentation Included
Resource & Plugin
Alongside providing application projects (HTML & CSS), we also include full source in the main file. There are some plugins that we’re using:
GruntJS: The JavaScript Task Runner
Bower: A package manager for the web
Jade: is a terse language for writing HTML templates
LESS: is a CSS pre-processor, meaning that it extends the CSS language