Download Bootstrap Admin Template - SoftAdmin - Responsive Admin Template

SoftAdmin - Responsive Admin Template

Currently on sale at 50% off!!!
Soft Admin is a full responsive template for administrators that prides itself on being lightweight and easy on the eyes. Based on Bootstrap 3, Soft Admin was written and designed by an experienced software engineer and user-interface designer.
HTML Example Pages
  • Dashboard
  • Typography
  • Charts
  • Widgets
  • Alerts & Notifications
  • Tabs & Accordions
  • Buttons & Icons
  • Gallery
  • Basic Form Elements
  • Advanced Form Elements
  • WYSIWYG Form
  • Form Validation
  • Static Tables
  • Dynamic Tables
  • Storyboard
  • Calendar
  • Maps
  • Login
  • FAQ
  • Grid
  • 404 Error
  • Invoice
  • More to come...!
  • Responsive design, supports cross-browser compatibility and mobile use
  • Bootstrap 3.1.1
  • Font Awesome 4.0.3
  • jQuery 1.10.2
  • jQuery UI 1.10.2
  • Charting (Flot, Sparklines, Morris)
  • Dynamic Tables (Datatables)
  • Calendar (FullCalendar)
  • Bootstrap Colorpicker
  • Bootstrap Datepicker
  • Google Maps (Customized info-windows, markers, charts, styles)
  • Google Geo Maps (Map charts)
  • Notifications (jGrowl)
  • Login Page (Custom designed example page, multiple backgrounds)
  • Gallery (Colorbox, custom controls)
  • Dynamic Form Select (Select2)
  • Auto-complete Search (Typeahead)
  • Bootstrap WYSIWYG (Summernote)
  • Form Validation (bootstrapValidator)
  • Switches (switchButton)
  • Knobs (jQuery Knob)
  • 3 Admin Color Styles
Exclusive Features
  • Soft Widgets (Lightweight, exclusively for Soft Admin)
  • Soft Storyboard (Lightweight, exclusively for Soft Admin)
Browser Support
  • IE 9+
  • Chrome (Latest)
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari (mobile & browser)
1.0 (Released)