Simplify Admin is a fully responsive admin template built with Bootstrap 3.2 Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3.
- Build with bootstrap3
- Responsive Design
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Build with LESS
- Flat UI with clean design
- Many components
- Cross-browser compatible
HTML pages including:
- Dashboard
- UI Elements
- Button and Icons
- Tab
- Nestable list
- Calendar
- Table
- Widget
- Form Element
- Form validation and Wizard
- Login
- Register
- Profile
- Blog
- Single Post
- Landing
- Pricing Table
- Invoice
- Error 404
- Timeline
- Gallery
- Inbox
- Lock Screen
If your have any problems, bugs, issues or requests, feel free to send us a message with your suggestions and we will consider adding it to next updates.Change Log
v.1.0- Initial release
Plugins include
- jQuery UI
- Datepicker
- Dropzone
- Full Calendar
- Colorbox
- Datatable
- Easy Pie ChartI
- Flot Chart
- Gritter
- Local Scroll
- Noty
- jQuery Popup Overlay
- ScrollTo
- Slimscroll
- Steps
- Tag Input
- Masonry
- Modernizr
- Moment
- Morris Chart
- Owl Carousel
- Parsley
- Rapheal
- Skycons
- Sortable
- Sparkline
- Waypoints
- Google Code Prettify
- Font awesome
- Ionicons
- Google Web Fonts